So sorry no blog update. Work on the project has taken priority and by the time we drag our bones back it is very late at night. We did have 3 hrs off 2 weekends ago and collapsed at Lamor Plage.
We do now have underfloor heating laid and a concrete floor on top, and found a roofer to come and finish that. Wow, feel like progress is being made. Cannot wait to get in there!
We then have moved temporary accommodation and had no internet access or phone!
I am off to Guernsey next week so will be busy there but will see what I can do with the blog!! So there we are a quick update indeed and I will back with chat very soon!!
A bientôt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You're are amazing! Not only do you slave and survive but you manage to keep a blog up when you are down and Internet and telephone connections when they are non-existant. A gold medal for a golden girl. Bon courage wonder-woman.
With love, comme d'habitude.
I was starting to get worried so glad to see all OK and even progress! Bien fait!
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