Tuesday, 24 November 2009

What weather!

Rain wind, rain, wind rain. That about sums up the weather at the moment here in Brittany. I got off lightly when I moved here last year. Everyone telling me the weather would be wet and the wellies hardly got much of an outing but this year is different. I am very bored of it and hibernation is the key. The animals are sensible. Or if I was a cat I could cuddle up on the sofa like these two of my 3 contented moggies! That is after they have done the morning hunt routine and brought in a mouse or shrew and munched and crunched through it. Yuk!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Happy families

I love this photo of our friends from the Languedoc taken at Larmor Plage. They came to visit early September and we certainly packed alot in very few days.
Oyster purchase and eating, little Mathilda loves them! Breton teeshirts are being sported down South, Lorient U pens visited, paddling as the photo shows and lots more besides.
Juliet is a Master of Wines and they brought a wonderful Languedoc supply for us. Ooooh.
It was far too quiet once Mathilda and ma and pa had left. She loves Abba songs and the sound of her 4 yr old little voice singing was much missed when they left. She was an utter delight. Come back soon Mathilda and sing "Dont go wasting your e- otions". Dont you just love it when children mix up the words. I do!

Saturday, 14 November 2009

What have I been up to...

Goodness me, I have had NO time to do this blog and I miss it.

Where have I been,,, working working working working on the renovation! I am pooped!

A couple of weeks in Guernsey, went for my sisters birthday for 5 days and stayed nearly 2 weeks!

Had some friends make a flying visit for a weekend.

Much has progressed in that time chez nous.

A recyled boiler, ( see picture) now gives us our underfloor heating. Bliss and the mogs love it

Radiators in the boudoir, wow, first time in 6 yrs I have had heating proper

A completed dressing room.

2 new floors laid upstairs, one to go, bed removed from the downstairs camp and dining table in.

Microwave and toaster located from storage and tumble dryer ( much needed) brought inside.
Painted bedroom , hallway and bathrooom
Some insulation has been laid in the loft space
Window installed in the loft.
Ceilings painted.
Enough of that for now. I am off to brave the gusty Morbihan to get some much needed shopping and makes lots of soup to keep up the energy for the week to come!

This week we hope to have an upstairs loo, very exciting. Hubby has rescued a toilet from the barn left by the previous owners. He loves the shape, hmmmmm! Is Swiss according to a search on the net and the boiler is German. It is fun to recycle. Which reminds me I must turn the compost!