Friday, 20 November 2009

Happy families

I love this photo of our friends from the Languedoc taken at Larmor Plage. They came to visit early September and we certainly packed alot in very few days.
Oyster purchase and eating, little Mathilda loves them! Breton teeshirts are being sported down South, Lorient U pens visited, paddling as the photo shows and lots more besides.
Juliet is a Master of Wines and they brought a wonderful Languedoc supply for us. Ooooh.
It was far too quiet once Mathilda and ma and pa had left. She loves Abba songs and the sound of her 4 yr old little voice singing was much missed when they left. She was an utter delight. Come back soon Mathilda and sing "Dont go wasting your e- otions". Dont you just love it when children mix up the words. I do!

1 comment: said...

Oh yes I do... but my little girl does it in French...