Sunday, 21 December 2008

At last he has arrived!!

Yeyyyyyyyyyyy hubby and super Ronnie arrived at 330 a.m! What a hero chugging through the night in the 1980s vehicle! A little blip at Bordeaux but thankfully rectified. Car loaded with as much as possible including my Mr Mole doorstop which was a wonderful gift from a dear friend.
All kitties pleased to see him and for the first time since he left all 3 honoured us with their presence on the bed. Hubby is a light sleeper and so me thinks it won’t be for long they have this luxury.
I of course am delighted to see hubby too. I only wish I was in better health as he is still poorly too. Hey ho c’est la vie! We have had some home made carrot and coriander soup and I am dosing myself up with tablets as we are due to go to dinner at some new friends we have made. Am looking forward to a cuddle with their puppy ‘Fleur’ and of course the meal too!

1 comment:

chicken said...

Well done, Hubby! I think you're bloody marvellous. What a feat!!! So happy to know that everyone is where they should be. Take care of the sniffs and sneezes and enjoy yourselves. Lots of love to you all

PS "Chicken" is a former nick name and it became too complicated to change so, Chicken I am, tender and succulent!