Just a quick line for today. Have got sis and bro in law staying and been busy. Not much fun in this awful rain for them but we have had some good laughs so far.
My back has gone 'out' and trying to find a miracle worker to help me walk. I don't have time for things like this. Got too mcuh to do and am sure the husband is worrying I won't be fit enough to repoint the upstairs landing to be and would much rather be doing that than waddling like a duck.
This pic is one of the fallow cows in the field opposite the house. A peaceful life. Walking from one end of a field to the other grazing. They all made me laugh as when we called them, all of them lined up in a row at the fence. I failed to have my camera in my pocket at the time!
I am not writing about the Hameau at the moment as it is no longer a hameau but just a pile of stones maurading as a house with a half finished roof no 1 ( the roofer has disappeared) a septic tank and all in a mudbath of terrain minus numerous lovely trees and hedges. I am in mourning and am desperate to find some order and make the land pretty again. We need it to stop bloody raining first.!! Progress is being made but it is just getting a whole lot worse before it can get better and I need to get some plants/shrubs in to get on the case of establishing some flora and fauna.
My friends daughter calls it the 'Broken House'. How very accurately observant of her!
Your rain comments made me laugh - this is actually a particularly DRY year for Bretagne!! lol
thank god it is but if this is dry then my sun needs and the dry climate for my joints is still in trouble for the future!
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