Poul Fetan is about 10 minutes away from the Hameau and is a well known tourist attraction. voici! It is a working museum with a traditional baker, potter and farm. The thatched buildings from the 14th to 16th Centuries and have been lovingly restored. The “villagers” are dressed in traditional costumes and you can watch them dying and spinning wool, butter-making, washing linen in the river Blavet and carrying out other tasks of yesteryear. You can also try the delicious breads and cakes cooked in the traditional community bread oven.
The more I hear/see of your area the better it sounds! I love those sort of living museums and reading your blog is a treat :)
Aww, Poul Fetan - such a great place!
Thanks guys
Valerie, come up for a rest after your season and we/I will cook you local fayre with flour from the mill down the drive and of course with lots of cider!!! We have our own press but how to get it out of one of the houses and into working mode is another matter!!! Just given me an idea for a garden featuure!
Ksam,we have yet to experience Poul Fetan but am sure it will be well visited when we have people to visit as so near on the door step.
Where are you located these days, feel free to visit
I'm in Paris nowadays, but I've been going back to Bretagne about once a month for work!
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