On my
ferry journey back to St Malo I met up with a couple of friendly and chatty travellers. One was en route from Weymouth to Jersey via Guernsey.
I reflected after my first chat with the initial traveller at how amazing it is what people will tell you. I met a lovely lady when I was going off to Guernsey on the evening Friday ferry. She lives 4 hrs away and was from Jersey but lived in France 16 yrs, family back in Jersey, divorced, married a French man, works for a Finnish company....It reminded me of a time I was delayed at a packed Gatwick airport and got chatting to so many people and how friendly people are and how much of their life info they will divulge!. Maybe I have that kind of face (whatever that is) that people spill their life stories too.
This is what I learned from traveller who boarded at Weymouth and was heading for 4 days in Jersey and I still did not catch his name. I am sure he won't mind me sharing this with you as he shared it with a complete stranger, yours truly.
He lives in Oxford in the oldest cottage in his village. He has lived there 38 years. It backs onto a graveyard where 2 monks are buried with chained bibles.!
He used to be in the RAF.
He drove 27 ton trucks at one point after he left RAF.
He trained German Shepherds for the police force.
He worked for the Duke of Malborough at Blenheim Palace.
He charges 16 pounds an hour for his work, painting and decorating.
He has owned 70 greyhounds. It was his hobby. He has no pets now.
He won 10 grand on the lottery and put 4,000 into premium bonds
He has visited Orlando 13 times or maybe 15. ( I was trying to take in all the info!)
He has just come back from a weeks cruise that included a stop at the Bahamas.
His wife left him for someone he knew and he has to pay her a remaining percentage of his asset ( he stated the amount too!) ( already paid her off a lump sum )if he dies, goes into a home or marries again.
He is 72 and looks about 52.
He gave me his lucky stone to hold for 5 mins that a gypsy gave to him years ago and he said he believed it had brought him luck.
Maybe some of it will rub off on me. He had a lovely 'karma'. Goodness knows what I ended up telling him!
Fascinating stuff hey??!!