I will have limited access to internet from this weekend for the following 9 days week so my updates maybe scant
I am going to be a student and a confident/translater/chauffeur.
I am heading for the UK and staying with a dear fabulous fellow 'Leo' friend in Hove near Brighton somewhere I have spent alot of time when I lived in England. I used to live down the coast and have friends in the area and many brilliant memories. This weekend will be adding to memory lane.
Together we are continuing our holistic studies and probably will be laughing alot along the way.We are like peas in a pod. We should be twins. We met on a train from East Croydon to Central London one morning years ago, standing room only in 1st class. There were no seats in 2nd class anyway. We got chatting and became firm friends since that chance meeting, though,.... I believe it was not chance, it was MEANT TO BE!
Included over the weekend itinerary is discussing ideas for the future, a yoga class, catching up with 2 ex work colleagues and a wedding party and that all important laughter!
I will then be heading to Hertfordshire before flying south to the Minervois to help a friend who has a daughter getting wed locally in June.
I hope to be able to catch up with friends at some point but the schedule will be full on.
I am sure there will be time to fit in a lunch or two between discussions with caterers, hairdressers, car viewings, florist discussions and maybe some wine tasting just to be sure the correct vintage and cave is finally is decided on with the help of our expert!
I must look for my vitamins to keep up the pace!
You are busy for days!
Yep which is good for the brain really and just got a bit busier in a good social way meeting the food group for an Ethnic night which I and hubby were part of, Lou Lou is part of that too! Cannot wait.
I just have to dose myself up now as have some ridiculous infection that makes me feel like a weak lamb!
hope you get better and enjoy the food!
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