Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Slate less

The first building at the hamlet has now no slate on its roof. The boys have been up there disposing of the old ones and making a big mess as they lob them off onto the land below. Forget seeing the wood for the trees, cannot see the land for the slate!
Anyway, wind and water tight we shall be before too long as far as the roof is concerned anyway.

Next task, putting in the septic tank. Am dreading what a mess they will make of the trees and bushes infront of the place when the JCB gets its claws into the soil but it has to be done and will be worth it in the end.

I am trying to be helpful but realised that I had a hidden fear of being on roofs like my husband. Not much use there then am I? I am happy staying on terra firma getting shredded by brambles. Almost there with the clearing of those but do think I should have got a goat to do it.
I am going to be very busy with other things in the next week or so and they do not include attempts of looking like the Milk Tray man on the roof!


Sandy said...

Looks like it is coming along!

MichieMole said...

Not quick enough though, 2 workers did not turn up today!!