For years I had been a very fit person indeed. Won't bore you as to why I am not so now but that is about to change!!. However during this trip in the UK I have been looking forward to a yoga class ( not on the beach like this piccie but will be at least be at coastal location!)!
I may even be bouncing round my friends huge living room in the South of France inbetween wedding appointments to a dvd to keep up the regime.
Many would think this mad and would be going out for lunch and walking it off along the canal! Expect I will find some time to fit that in too!
Have you looked in to any yoga classes in Bretagne at all? I used to take some in Vannes (there were at least 4 different places offering yoga).
Look at Madonna in her 50's and that is all the exercise she does... is yoga. She has more money than god and time but you can do it!
Thanks Ksam, it is on my never ending list
Sandy, yes she looks fab. I used to do yoga during 3 mths I was in Texas. God it was hard but probably fitter than I had ever been.
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