Hm,,, well this is Tigsy my male cat, brother to the two girls. Not one of his best shots but taken on the day he brought me his third gift since discovering wonderful hunting territory. Yes, a lovely little mouse. Luckily this one he did not bring into the house. The last gift was large and alive and escaped behind the washing machine only to emerge a couple of hours later in the downstairs loo whilst I was in it!!
Hubby saved Mr Mouse, let me off the hook. He cannot stand bird and bats flapping around and I was the one down south who also had to capture and save those that came in from Tigsys hunting expeditions. How he did not fall off the rooftops catching them I do not know. We did not have a garden but terraces so they were rooftop cats.
All of them have done a flying act down to the street. it was a long way down. Lives used up for sure!
You're no one until they put one in your wellies. It's awful - feels at first like your sock has fallen down and got bunched up. Then you wiggle your toes to try and sort it out until the penny drops, YUK!
Too right YUKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!
I am happy to remain 'no one in that case' Out hunting as I type. Wellies safely out of sight!
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